Great Content Drives Ads Profits

Kizzy D. Blount

One of the most frequently asked digital marketing questions we get from our clients is, should I put my money into online ads or content/organic SEO? The simple answer is that you should do BOTH. And no, we’re not trying to upsell you on more services – we just want […]

A 13-Part Manifesto For Creating a Kickass Content Brief

Kizzy D. Blount

6. State your structure & subheading demands As readers, we skim through article subheadings and intro sentences, to check whether they’re worth our time. In fact, according to Hubspot, nearly half (43%) of us skim blog posts instead of reading them. It’s true. Subheadings and structure are crucial to engagement. Reinforce this in […]

5 Top Tactics For Creating Inspired B2B Content

Kizzy D. Blount

How can marketers create the kind of inspired B2B content and customer experiences that will overcome today’s challenges and surpass tomorrow’s higher expectations? With the right planning, careful creation, and strategic promotion, there isn’t any need for a secret formula for successful B2B content, as our chief executive and co-founder […]

How To Refresh Old Content

Kizzy D. Blount

Why You Should Refresh Old Content Better Rankings and Organic Traffic As you keep adding new content to your blog, the old content moves down the archive. This means less link equity flowing to those pages, which consequently results in declining rankings. Refreshing content (and especially republishing it to a […]