Why ERP Systems are Important

Why ERP Systems Are Important Many growing businesses ignore the importance of investing in business technology that includes both hardware and software. Most businesses hang on to their basic accounting solution or pieced-together solution or legacy ERP software until a change is urgently required. A quality Enterprise resource planning (ERP) […]

when process eats away at culture

Peter Drucker tells us ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast’. In our experience, that’s a near hard-and-fast organisational rule.. But when we assess the current state of any marketing organisation, which is the first stage of most of our engagements, we often discover that there’s something else eating away at culture. […]

You Probably Don’t Need a New Website

If you’re one of the thousands of businesses out there that will redesign its website this year, you’ve probably got the same nagging thought in the back of your head. This had better work. It might be a twinge as you write a five-figure check to your web design agency.  […]

Chatbot Basics 101 | Indianapolis | Marketing

Let’s talk about chatbots. You know, those things you sometimes message on different applications or websites. To put it simply, a chatbot is software that interacts with a human being through a messaging application. We see these chatbots being used on desktop or mobile applications, social media platforms, and even […]