les erreurs les plus fréquentes [MAJ 2022]

Kizzy D. Blount

Le contenu est roi sur Internet. Il occupe une place centrale dans les stratégies de marketing Web qu’elles soient orientées SEO, SEA ou Social Media. C’est un puissant outil qui peut clairement faire la différence dans la notoriété d’une entreprise. Pour autant, s’il n’est pas exploité correctement, peu importe les […]

Optimize Business Connectivity With Airtel ILL & AOI Solutions

Kizzy D. Blount

For fast-processing businesses, unreliable internet can be a nightmare. Dropped video conferences, slow file transfers, and unresponsive cloud applications can cripple productivity and tarnish a company’s reputation. It hampers growth and erodes profitability. But what if there were a solution that could transform this pain into a competitive advantage? Airtel’s […]

Welcome to your new look Small Business 

Kizzy D. Blount

Small Business and its sister site Growth Business have fresh new logos bringing the sites into the 2020s.   Our new publisher, insurance technology platform Stubben Edge Group, wanted Small Business and Growth Business to have modern, clean and minimalist logos which would be both memorable and also show the websites […]

10 Steps to Writing a simple Business Plan

Kizzy D. Blount

INTRO: What is a Biz Plan? Steps, Choosing. 10 STEPS: Exec Sumry, Description, Target Market, Competitors, Management, Marketing Plan, Sales Strategy, Funding Financial projections. A business plan is the foundation of any successful company, regardless of size or industry. This step-by-step guide provides information on writing a business plan for […]